Red is such an intense color that I wear it here and there, but sometimes you find these amazing pieces in reddish tones that somehow mild the vibe a bit and you just got to have to it.

Getting deep in the meaning of the color

Red is the color of heightened emotion, strength, and power. It’s invigorating, intimidating, and it’s never boring.

Red stands for many things, all of them potent. Red is romantic love and its physical passion. Red is violence, anger, and aggression, and it frequently indicates danger. Paradoxically–for a color associated with action and energy–red is universally used as the color that means "stop." Red is used professionally to capture attention, elicit emotion, and convey confidence.


Red In literature

Red is often used in gothic literature to symbolize passion, aggression, and intensity. Because of its dangerous connotation, red has been used in novels such as Jane Eyre for dramatic effect.

Physical Effects

In some ways, red is the opposite of blue. Red speeds up our heart rate, blood flow, and body temperature. Red stimulates our senses of smell and taste, making us more sensitive to our environments. Red also stimulates the adrenal gland, making us more prone to take action and giving us more energy. Red is a physical stimulant.

Positive Associations

We think of vitality, the life-giving power of blood, and helping people in need (think American Red Cross.) We give red roses when we’re in love, and call simply outstanding experiences "red-letter days." Red calls us to action, gets us motivated, and wearing red lets people know we feel confident and ready to take on the world. Red is also associated with luxury–a red Ferrari and the soles of Louboutin shoes declare that a person has achieved material success.

